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Political & Social-Economic playlist

This song is the history lesson the UK needed. The lyrics tell you everything your school never bothered to tell you and create a clear picture of the racism that still exists in the UK.

  • M.I.A- Paper Planes

  •  M.I.A plays up the stereotype of a menacing illegal immigrant, forging documents and threatening violence.People have questioned the song for glorifying violence and criminality. However, M.I.A says that the song was intended not to support antisocial behavior but instead to satirize widespread negative stereotypes about immigrants.

Online music platforms

  • Youtube

  • Itunes

  • Soundcloud

  • Deezer



  • Sad- the song I have chosen for the emotion sad is ‘Give me love’ by Ed Sheeran. The song  seems to be about missing something from a relationship but being unable to talk about it. I feel like the song creates the emotion of sadness as Ed Sheeran’s song have a running theme of sadness. The song creates a feeling of something you don’t have, which would lead to feeling the emotion of sadness.

  • Love- for the emotion love I have chosen the song fantasy by Mariah Carey. It’s upbeat and represents the first feelings towards somebody. Unlike other love songs it creates a happy mood/ feelings towards love rather than a breakup song. 

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